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Argument NameDescription
pooling_managerThe address of the pooling manager.
token_class_hashThe class hash of the token.
token_manager_class_hashThe class hash of the token manager.

Get methods

Method NameParameter(s)Return TypeDescription
token_manager_class_hashself: @TContractStateClassHashReturns the class hash of the token manager.
token_class_hashself: @TContractStateClassHashReturns the class hash of the token.
pooling_manager_addressself: @TContractStateContractAddressReturns the address of the pooling manager.

Operation methods

Method NameParameter(s)Return TypeDescription
deploy_strategyref self: TContractState, l1_strategy: EthAddress, underlying: ContractAddress, token_name: felt252, token_symbol: felt252, performance_fees: u256, min_deposit: u256, max_deposit: u256, min_withdrawal: u256, max_withdrawal: u256, withdrawal_epoch_delay: u256, dust_limit: u256(ContractAddress, ContractAddress)Deploys a new strategy with the specified parameters and returns the addresses of the deployed token manager and token.
set_token_manager_class_hashref self: TContractState, new_token_manager_class_hash: ClassHashNoneSets a new class hash for the token manager.
set_token_class_hashref self: TContractState, new_token_class_hash: ClassHashNoneSets a new class hash for the token.